CartoData® can offer different methods of aerial information acquisition ranging from nano satellites, manned aerial (nadir, oblique and LiDAR) to unmanned UAVs. Last two are equipped with the most advanced sensors in the market: metrical and oblique digital cameras and LiDAR sensor. Integrated with airborne navigation systems (GPS/IMU), gyro-stabilized base and post processing kinetics (PPK) .
How do we make maps?
Acquisition of aerial data
Vexcel UltraCam
Multispectral imagery (RGBi)
Airborne oblique imagery acquisition simultaneous to the nadir photograph with up to 80 mpx of resolution per image. We offer an integral solution including acquisition, processing and viewer.
Airborne laser that generates a georeferenced cloud of points with densities of up to 40pts/m2
High precision photogrammetric drone with double frequency positioning system and a half frame camera (80mpx) with a resolution of up to 5mm/px.
Acquisition of terrestrial data
Landbased laser that acquires a georeferenced point cloud with millimetric densities.
Photogrammetric terrestrial system that generates georeferenced panoramic views at street level.
Ground control point acquisition with GPS including premark, monuments & geodetic networks.
Ground control
Acquisition of photogrammetric grade documented ground control points.
High quality semi-automatic orthophoto generation, rectifying images according to their altimetric data. We manually edit orthos in order to provide a deformation free product.
Project georeferencing calculation.
Geoprocessing and analysis
Customer customized thematic maps and analysis ready for decision making or data sanitation.
Mapping (Feature extraction)
Stereoscopic photo-interpretation of the terrain, generating planimetric and altimetric data with AU4®, digital workstation developed by CartoData.
Democratization of geoinformation
Exploit your investment in geographical information for decision making anywhere with eCarto a cloud or on premise server solution to make information ubiquitous by accessing it from any device or anywhere with an internet connection.
Digital models (DTM & DSM)
3D representation of the land surface (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) survace model removing trees and man made artifacts.
High quality semi-automatic orthophoto generation, rectifying images according to their altimetric data. We manually edit orthos in order to provide a deformation free product.
Geoprocessing and analysis
Customer customized thematic maps and analysis ready for decision making or data sanitation.
Democratization of geoinformation
Exploit your investment in geographical information for decision making anywhere with eCarto a cloud or on premise server solution to make information ubiquitous by accessing it from any device or anywhere with an internet connection.